Shooting At Home – At Home Training Tip

This week’s tip is going to be about keeping your head up when shooting. In the photo below the players head is up allowing him to do a multitude of things, some of the more pertinent and important ones are listed below.

  1. Allows the player to see the target to improve accuracy
  2. Hockey is a fast-moving game and players are never stationary, players can move into shooting lanes to block shots so having the head up allows to adjust shot placement.
  3. Sometimes the better option is to fake the shot if the shooting lane gets closed off, having the head up allows the player to see this option and can be more effective towards the team scoring a goal.

All the above points listed range from beginner shooting and scoring skills to advanced scoring techniques that can all be practiced at home if the players head Is up! Having the head down looking at the puck will close the door to all these options and hurt the teams, and players chances of tickling the twine!

The regular hockey season is coming to an end however don’t let that be an excuse to stop the pursuit of your training goals. for players under the age of 15 it is very important to play multiple sports, however if hockey is your passion, you can still work on your skills with us throughout the off season. Training hockey once a week will help you improve your game over the summer to make that jump from good to great! Book your session with us today!

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