WARNING: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! By signing this document you indicate that you understand the risks associated with this activity, that you are aware that by participating in the activity you are being exposed to the risks identified below, and that you accept important legal obligations and waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue.

    LOCATION: 3743 98 Street NW Edmonton, Ab, T6E 5N2 for Hockey/Skating Instruction or Lessons (Referred to as the “Lesson" throughout this document)

    DISCLAIMER CLAUSE: The OWNERS of Pro Stride Hockey., their officers, directors, employees, volunteers, members and representatives (hereafter referred to as “The Corporation” are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage to personal property, detention, imprisonment, illness, death or dismemberment arising out of any cause/nature whatsoever, sustained by any person while participating in this Lesson.The Corporation accepts no responsibility and assumes no liability with respect to any involvement of the Participant in this Lesson.

    I acknowledge that the Lesson involves inherent risks, dangers, hazards and liabilities to the participant. I fully understand and agree to assume the following risks and responsibilities that may result in personal injury, death, loss of or damage to personal property/belongings, legal expenses and other losses arise from, but are not limited to:

    1) Injury, mutilation, maiming or death for any activity associated with the Lesson(s);

    2) Injury, mutilation, maiming or death for activities associated with travel to and from the Lesson(s);

    3) It is my responsibility to learn as much as possible about the risks of the Lesson, to weigh those risks against the advantages, and to decide whether or not to participate.

    4) The Corporation is expressly relieved of any obligation of any loss of any kind whether through personal injury or any other

    means of loss known to mankind.         


    3743 98 Street NW
    Edmonton, AB
    T6E 5N2 

    Working Hours: 
    9:00 am – 10:00 pm

    Copyright © 2023 Prostride Hockey | Powered by Prostride Hockey